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首頁/旅遊攻略/Twelve scenic 書好spots in Clearwa議照ter Bay tourist area

Twelve scenic spot女村s in Clearwa就舊ter Bay touri就數st area

旅遊攻略 | 2021-0黃放8-23 11:37 | 閱讀外聽(dú) 2958



Freedom is the co現就mmon belief and 著對pursuit of hu讀但man beings. Qingshuiw些白an tourist area is a fr車們ee, relaxed, rom時行antic, leisure an體妹d comfortable p喝文aradise on earth. Ther友志e is no fence, 照場no bondage, 地照no pressure, only sunshi電答ne, beach, waves,慢票 flowers, friendly p高現eople and free air.

Blue sea, blue sky, bro但姐ad and leisurely,路可 fascinating, in女站 this inside towards th吧玩e sea, think w內什hat you think, love唱高 what you love, let you個場rself fly. Free coast她從 is a life attitude, a w在快ay of life, or a spirit多很ual essence. It is the拿他 second life for yo懂事u to let go o黃男f yourself and enjoy會拿 tourism, leisure, vacat資站ion, health preserva畫器tion and ent北那ertainment.



Time goes by, but the c器個lock goes back藍很. We all look for內坐ward to the quiet 開是years, the b男草ack flow of time, t看子he desire to retu我她rn to childhood月女, freedom, thinking ab土動out what you th師行ink, loving what you l東物ove, opening our new sec藍低ond life, letting go o會國f our mood and em文自bracing freedom in 物弟the back flow of ti兵了me.



The lighthous飛制e symbolizes light 我門and hope. The lighth是水ouse stands by t說的he South China友對 Sea, which means "p關用eace and free道月dom". There is always 從為a beautiful legend of Li爸鐵 girl Ashe in Qingsh懂冷uiwan. When th算玩e night comes, the 我事industrious and brave 鐵吧girl of Li nation兵妹ality, Ashe, will睡頻 stand by the sea w遠大ith a torch and sing l可有oudly. In the nigh低火t, the torch is very睡道 bright, and the beach樂文 is also very w筆那hite. The moving melo謝坐dy of the waves wil劇店l float to the dis分呢tance with th近窗e song, which will 書來guide the navigation "頻但DanJia family" o得舞n their way home, 黃頻and help the people道從 on the voyage saf中黃ely return to happine現暗ss in the di畫業rection of light 吃農and song eve跳風ry day Home.



Walking on the w西光orld music be報跳ach of Qingshuiwan free 要事coast, the white sand i雜問s world-class. 南麗When the sea河車 breeze pass公工es the beach, lis請吃ten to the breath 就農of the sea and th明票e melody of the 老頻wind. Parents with chil書鄉dren can enjoy the fun風車 of digging sa雜路nd pits, buildin時錯g castles, climbing ro頻街pe nets, swinging and p刀湖laying seesaw土鐘 together on the beach,廠風 so that children can 輛書rush forward bravely, 麗近and the beach can remem秒南ber this warm and prec區業ious picture.



Walking on the吃愛 world music beach of 火西Qingshuiwan 照子free coast, the white校風 sand is world-cla快湖ss. When the se說日a breeze pas上日ses the beach, listen to我來 the breath of t們大he sea and the me動請lody of the wind. Parent自秒s with children ca家歌n enjoy the f器樹un of digging sand p窗和its, building castles,風要 climbing ro志制pe nets, swing聽學ing and playing s區海eesaw together on the be舞機ach, so that chil拿信dren can rush fo裡線rward bravely, and 高謝the beach can r子船emember this warm and pr音地ecious pictu身年re.



Once upon a ti朋拍me, horses and c內電ars were very s麗為low, letters were f樂國ar away, only enoug器又h to love one person 城煙in one's life; 視妹now, the netwo坐不rk traffic is develop資有ed, but it may 煙鐵be missed in one紙跳's life. The "t長舞ime post office" on the 謝話free coast, where算金 you can give a 我藍promise for the pr農那esent and a memory for熱唱 the future. You can se雜友nd blessings 草頻from 18 degrees no冷拍rth latitude to your 做日relatives and friends, o鄉綠r you can send a l通生etter to yourself in th光海e future through 都志the time mailbox to kee地光p the blue sky, 鄉理white clouds, sea a錢和nd freedom at th請不is moment.



The free coas友風t is a representa快問tive witness of free他舞 love, where you中著 can leave t信音he noise of the world an姐笑d create your own務章 happiness and 站家sweetness. Ba什地thing in the 裡件free country, walkin個冷g into the "flo也為wer language她要 love", lookin煙河g at the flowers, re門很calling that you要商 have come all the農遠 way from mee筆很ting, knowing弟中 each other, 術西accompanying eac嗎河h other, each flowe黑問r represents a dif關中ferent language. Here, 錯視beautiful lo問雜ve will blossom 開林and bear fruit, happy an風習d romantic.


Life is like a maze,影離 and the center of費動 the maze is l外西ike a turning point in l不村ife. Only through the 看愛winding path歌內, you can reach the ce身事nter of the maze, fi媽河nd the true m湖金eaning of life, and re我腦alize your hea嗎坐rt's desire. It is said電科 that travel is the best問票 time to test two pe樂光ople's feelings, so 爸商why not maze 去農is the best time輛光 to test two peopl草都e's tacit und知離erstanding?


Qingshuiwan love員相 maze symbolizes 子喝the eternity between 區錯free will and love. Chal海身lenging the 慢中maze is like p歌老ursuing your love and ha林是ppiness in the complicat討些ed world, experie機花ncing the difficulty 冷訊of love and finding t飛志he direction 地視of love together,笑和 testing the loyalty of舞兵 love and the 你話tacit understanding of b南物oth sides, and re很這alizing the free ch長資oice of love.



Clearwater Bay t哥子ourist area is a favorit樹鐘e creation b讀還ase for artist城術s. The annual Qingshuiw金計an sand sculpture art 老懂and Culture F算少estival is held here, 對腦which also becomes相南 a must see sce動又nic spot for t好子ourists. Each sand s明輛culpture works ar舞日e lifelike, telling a b小銀eautiful fairy ta文關le world.



A thousand people w冷海ill have a thousand kin年計ds of cognition and expe化用rience of love, but草慢 "love has a retu醫綠rn, love has a basis" 爸街is the pures些說t vision of eac也議h pair of people 事拍who love each o用為ther. Qingshuiwa離化n tourist area, 18 ° no就但rth latitude, is h城靜alf ocean, half be購她ach, half blue and 錯藍half golden. Qingshuiwa工土n tourist photog錢醫raphy base takes "happ問冷iness" as the m算頻ain chain and the co拿友re high-quality喝來 resources of Qingshuiw問身an as the carrier to s了拿et the one thousandt問知h romance th南熱at belongs t花西o you.



The longtousing ree裡信f group in various form計音s must go through t水醫he vicissitudes of 說你thousands of years and 票美be challenged b鐘話y numerous storms an件下d waves, but笑公 it still exists cal新雜mly, just like the epi光雪tome of differe藍鄉nt lives. Dif車慢ferent peopl兒村e have different feel話知ings here, but they 作新are not afraid事空 of the wind and w小上aves, laugh and 資麗see the tide ris民少e and fall, live 我木themselves, 購亮and let life be free.



Walking on the 紅文world music beach of C木愛learwater Bay 小歌free coast, the white sa草學nd is world-clas謝藍s. When the sea br房內eeze passes the麗公 beach, listen to the br理近eath of the sea and th器厭e melody of the wind冷熱. Parents with child吃南ren can enjoy the fun化女 of digging sand pits, 林有building castles, 北些climbing rope nets章快, swinging an要校d playing seesaw toget海技her on the beach, s呢愛o that childre睡厭n can rush forward 子章bravely, and the beach麗科 can remember th玩資is warm and precious靜能 picture.



Walking on the worl外生d music beach of Clear老樂nwater Bay free c木志oast, the white sand聽廠 is world-class. When t多河he sea breeze女男 passes the beach,商她 listen to the b嗎制reath of the sea and日理 the melody o服冷f the wind. Paren明很ts with children can信日 enjoy the fun間如 of digging sand pi低金ts, building castle生歌s, climbing rope nets, 畫歌swinging and playing也理 seesaw togeth影雜er on the beach, so th微河at children can 訊謝rush forward她黃 bravely, and the些公 beach can rem校姐ember this warm 從個and precious 從們picture.